Pedestrian and Driving Safety Tips

My name is Tricia Wang, and I am a California attorney licensed to handle claims for bodily injuries caused by car accidents. I am often exposed to various cases of serious injuries caused by car accidents, and I am always deeply affected by the injuries’ severity. Therefore, I am never tire of reminding those around me to always pay attention to driving safety. Please feel free to share my suggestions to help keep everyone safe and sound.

First, as a pedestrian, please look out for oncoming traffic when crossing the street and make sure the cars coming your way are slowing down, preparing to stop and yield.

Typically, pedestrians know to use the pedestrian crossing and wait for the pedestrian lights before crossing the street. In the U.S., traffic law states clearly that vehicles must yield to pedestrians. Therefore, most people will start crossing given the signal from the pedestrian lights instead of checking that the drivers of oncoming cars indeed intend to stop for them. But this can be dangerous since there are always a few drivers who do not yield to pedestrians, either deliberately or unintentionally. For example, accidentally running a red light is not uncommon. Many years ago, I had an outing with my family and two other families. Our group of six adults and six children were crossing a main road with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour. When the pedestrian lights came on, we started to cross the road, chatting with each other. We were walking in probably three or four groups; I was walking with one parent slightly behind. Suddenly, a car sped past between us and the adults and children walking in front of me, taking us all by total surprise. Fortunately, no one was hit. Even though so many years have passed, every time I think back to that moment, I feel very grateful all of us were safe. If any of us were hit, the consequences would be unimaginable. So, please, everyone, when crossing the street, be sure to look out for oncoming cars. It is best to have eye contact with the driver. Make sure that the driver sees you crossing the road and intends to slow down and stop for you. Don’t take for granted that the vehicle will stop just because the law requires a car to yield to a pedestrian. The driver may not see a pedestrian crossing at all – perhaps the driver is not paying attention, the sun is shining in his or her eyes, or it is just too dark to see clearly.

Second, when it is dark, rainy, or foggy, it is best for pedestrians to wear brightly colored outerwear so that the driver can see them walking on the street from a distance.

Third, as a driver, when the red light changes to the green light, make sure to step on the accelerator three seconds later. Our first instinct is often to slam on the accelerator and rush out as soon as the light changes to green. However, waiting for two or three seconds before going is safer. This lets the last vehicles driving the opposite direction and rushing the yellow light, or even the red light, to pass. Colliding with such fast-moving vehicles can have severe consequences.

Fourth, try to stay away from large trucks and petrol trucks when driving, especially on highways. On a downhill section, overtaking a big truck is very risky. The strong inertial force of a heavy truck makes it difficult to slow down for a car passing in front, and the damage can be serious if it collides with the car from behind. Furthermore, instead of driving in the middle of two trucks, I recommend slowing down or speeding up to avoid becoming the middle part of a sandwich. This is especially crucial if petrol trucks are involved, because cars will easily catch fire and explode when colliding with a petrol truck.

In case you are involved in a car accident, remember to consult an experienced lawyer. Everyone, please take care of yourself, drive safely, and have a safe trip wherever you go!Our law firm website is My email is: My office phone number is 510-791-0232. We also welcome you to add us as your contact on WeChat.
